Tuesday 5 June 2012

what noise does a wind turbine make when your standing under it...

Every time we drive back from Larnaca, I always end up staring out the window like kid because the wind turbines on the hill have me mesmerized. I dont know why I have become so fascinated with them; maybe its the sheer simplicity of the vast white structures, almost gracefully, spinning in the wind. So I didn't need an persuading when the boyfriend said lets take a de-tour on our way home and go stand under the wind turbines. 

Standing under a huge wind turbine sort of makes you feel like a ant and staring up at the blades turning in the wind creates an illusion that they may almost cut your head off. Thank god its just an illusion. The sound is pretty incredible, we were there on a semi-windy day and there is this sort of calm and creepy whooossh as the blades turn. 

A rather random Sunday afternoon activity but something to tick off the bucket list. And the view was pretty amazing. 

photographs: my own

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