Wednesday 11 April 2012

April Showers

In typical spring fashion (and even Cyprus doesn't miss out on this) April showers hit Nicosia with full force today. Not so much showers though, more like seriously heavy, huge water drops on a background of black sky and thunder. Lovely. Just the thing for a midweek pick me up.....NOT. And its that funny temperature between hot and cold that makes dressing in the morning an even bigger challenge. The air is cold but the temperature is warm and the short 10 minute walk from work is enough to get a little flustered and almost dare I say I should probably reserve the use of that word until I blog in August and it hits 40 degrees but there is nothing else fit for purpose.

So I think a tried and tested method of layering will come into force over the next few weeks while the weather works out what it is doing. And im sure that is the perfect excuse for a little shop. Just a teeny tiny one.

There are so many things I find hard to resist, and the lure of Zara and Mango just gets too much sometimes. Unfortunately the whole point of downsizing our apartment was so we could reduce our outgoings and kick start our saving plan, which is yet to materialize since we bought a tv and now I feel an overwhelming need to purchase one or several new items.....I would feel bad but when your boyfriend works for Adidas and regularly comes home with a new pair of shoes that just happened to be in his size....well what's a girl to do eh....except lust after the below looks.









sidenote: I know most of the above looks are not weather appropriate but I got distracted. Ok.

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